Doc Wms One Consulting
DocWmsOne Education Consulting Services provides exciting, innovative and inspirational professional development services for schools who desire to bolster the academic achievement level of its students. With over 25 years experience serving at risk, under served, and special needs students and their families, we have developed an arsenal of instructional, behavioral, and social resources which will equip your teachers with the tools needed to engage the most reluctant, reclusive, and resistant students.
Doc Wms One

Our workshops are data driven, school/district specific, student centered, and teacher focused. We will examine and analyze the data from your school and tailor our workshops within the context of your district and designed to meet its specific needs. All of our workshops will focus on the preliminary steps needed prior to introducing a new or retooled strategy to include: Engaging Stakeholders, Data Analyzation and Dis-aggregation, Parental Involvement, Teacher Empowerment and Student Inspiration. We will then introduce the instructional strategy selected by the district and equip your staff with the practical steps needed to initiate, evaluate, and replicate these strategies to meet the varied needs of their students and improve student performance.
Our workshops are data driven, school/district specific, student centered, and teacher focused. We will examine and analyze the data from your school and tailor our workshops within the context of your district and designed to meet its specific needs. All of our workshops will focus on the preliminary steps needed prior to introducing a new or retooled strategy to include: Engaging Stakeholders, Data Analyzation and Dis-aggregation, Parental Involvement, Teacher Empowerment and Student Inspiration. We will then introduce the instructional strategy selected by the district and equip your staff with the practical steps needed to initiate, evaluate, and replicate these strategies to meet the varied needs of their students and improve student performance.

I Count Too: Affirming Students Who Look, Love, Learn, and Live Differently
This workshop on equity and diversity awareness will help your team create a supportive community which recognizes and respects the diverse characteristics of each community member through the emphasis of their collective humanity over their individual diversity. Issues including teacher bias, school climate, strategies for improvement, benefits of action, consequences of inaction, and our challenge to change. Additionally, we address issues around social isolationism which exclude students based upon physical, psychological, financial, or other social characteristics. We highlight the four “L” students who navigate through our halls to include students who look, learn, live, and love differently. Your team will be given the tools on how to emphasize their humanity, comfort the victims of discriminatory activities, recognize and encourage allies, discourage prejudicial behaviors and comply with ADA, IDEA, Civil Rights, Title IX and other legal directives.
As a result of attending this session, participants will be able to:
• Assess the attitudinal climate of their school
• Recognize and remediate biased behaviors
• Explore the social, psychological, and legal implications of engaging all students
• Recruit and recognize allies
• Develop a strategic and realistic plan for improvement

Moving on up: Preparing Students for Post- Secondary Life
Moving on Up Preparing Students for Post- Secondary Employment will assist participants engage students in data informed and student driven career exploration, identification and immersion opportunities. We will discuss the “Holland Code” and explore various assessment tools to initiate the career exploration process. The workshop will explore barriers to employment and empower the participants with the tools needed to assist their students develop the internal resources and acquire the external resources to overcome those barriers. Engaging community partners to include Chamber of Commerce, and other employment assistance agencies will be a focal point of the workshop. We will explore initiating resource fairs, career day activities, signing days with on the spot interviews and employment offers. The workshop will review job readiness and soft skills necessary for students to maintain employment. Vocational training opportunities through community colleges, WIOA, and other entities will be explored including admissions process, financial aid, length of programs, etc. Participants will also be equipped with the tools needed to advocate for their students and teach self- advocacy in the workplace. This interactive workshop integrates humor, music, and information to reach consumers on all levels.
Participants will be able administer, analyze, interpret, and communicate career/vocational assessment results to their children
Participants will be able to assist their students with career/vocational planning
Participants will be able to engage community partners and match students with employment opportunities

Have It Your Way: Teaching the Way They Learn
In our classrooms, we recognize that most teachers teach the way they learn. Given this fact, the students who are most successful in their classrooms are the students who learn in the same manner their teachers learn. Educational institutions which are concerned about bolstering student achievement for ALL students must implement strategies to meet the needs of all students regardless of their learning style. This workshop will assist instructors integrate instructional strategies which are tailored to the learning styles of their students. The workshop is grounded in the Multiple Intelligences theory pioneered by Dr. Howard Garner, a renown professor at Harvard University, who encouraged teachers to discover how their students learn and use that data to meet the instructional needs of their students. Participants will be administered a Multiple Intelligence Assessment, analyze the data, discover instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of their students, and review other strategies to boost student achievement.
As a result of attending this conference, participants will be able to:
Differentiate between the varied learning styles to include verbal, logical, visual, auditory, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic
Discover strategies to bolster student achievement based upon their learning style
Understand their own learning style and how to integrate strategies to meet the learning styles of their students
Administer a multiple intelligences assessment, interpret the results, and disseminate the data to their students and stakeholders to create a strategy for improvement

School Safety in a Post Pandemic Environment
The pandemic required everyone to make prescriptive and deliberative changes to the way we interact with one another. These changes exacerbated challenges which already existed within our culture as it related to social skills development and our interactions with our peers and persons in authority. However, its impact was more dramatic with persons who were suffering from the effects of social isolation prior to the pandemic. The protective measures recommended and, in some cases, required by our schools have caused many of those students to become more resentful, unstable, and reclusive. These challenges have given rise to a marked increase in school violence in just a few months to include school shootings, acts of aggression, and disrespect towards teachers and students. This session will give our participants a look inside the minds of these students and help them develop the skills and tools necessary to address, assist, and alleviate the consequences of potentially destructive behaviors.​
As a result of attending this session, the participants will be able to:
Identify the consequences of pandemic protective behaviors, namely social isolation
Recognize characteristics of social isolation
Understand the warning signs and consequences of social isolation • Develop and implement a continuum of services and strategies to meet the needs of social isolated students
Engage the school community in interventions to minimize the impact of social isolation

Triumphant Transitions: From the Facility to the Community
This workshop is designed to empower re-entry specialist and correctional professionals with the tools needed to assist justice involved individuals who are incarcerated or have been incarcerated successfully transition back into the community. This workshop will help re entry professionals define the re entry process, identify the steps of re-entry, understand the role of the re entry specialist, develop or partner with research based and data informed programming and discover resources for justice involved individuals and the persons who serve them.
As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
Identify community partners to procure resources to meet the needs of their clients
Understand the steps of the re-entry process
Recognize and remediate barriers to the success of justice involved individuals who were incarcerated
Develop research- based data informed strategies to meet the needs of formerly incarcerated persons
Prepare and match justice involved individuals with appropriate employment, training, and educational opportunities