About Us
DocWmsOne Education Consulting Services provides exciting, innovative and inspirational professional development services for schools who desire to bolster the academic achievement level of its students. With over 25 years experience serving at risk, under served, and special needs students and their families, we have developed an arsenal of instructional, behavioral, and social resources which will equip your teachers with the tools needed to engage the most reluctant, reclusive, and resistant students.

Our workshops are data driven, school/district specific, student centered, and teacher focused. We will examine and analyze the data from your school and tailor our workshops within the context of your district and designed to meet its specific needs. All of our workshops will focus on the preliminary steps needed prior to introducing a new or retooled strategy to include: Engaging Stakeholders, Data Analyzation and Dis-aggregation, Parental Involvement, Teacher Empowerment and Student Inspiration. We will then introduce the instructional strategy selected by the district and equip your staff with the practical steps needed to initiate, evaluate, and replicate these strategies to meet the varied needs of their students and improve student performance.
We are able to accommodate small or large group workshops as well as individualized teacher/department sessions to help low performing groups within the school achieve the expected outcomes. Our sessions can be facilitated in three (3) or six (6) hour blocks focusing on the groups and issues and strategies identified by the district.

We pride ourselves in offering efficient, effective, and economical workshops using evidence and research- based strategies to meet the needs of your staff. If you are serious about boosting the academic achievement level of your students, inspiring your staff, and engaging your parents, we invite you to contact us at (866) 4DocWms or mike@docwmsone.com.
Hope to hear from you soon!!